

I had an engine issue on takeoff in my RV-12 I was hoping to get some guidance on.

Just after takeoff at I got a high fuel flow warning and engine RPM dipped from 5146 down to around 4764rpm. The engine did not sound like it was running rough or missing.  At that point I decided to pull the throttle to idle and land on the remaining runway.  After taxi back I did a quick engine run up and did not notice any issues.

Since the incident I decided to look at the fuel system and pull the data logs for review.

Looking at the logs

Pre-flight Run up 4060 rpm Fuel flow 6 pressure 4-5. rpm drops were normal.

During takeoff RPM went from 5146 down to 4764. Fuel flow started at 2.5 and climbed to 10-11. Fuel pressure started at 3.8 dropped to 2.6

After throttle was put to idle rpm went from 4764 to 1648 then up to 2100 fuel flow went from 11 down to 7. This was over about 5 seconds. Pressure was 2.8 to 3. After taxi back run up rpm 5100 fuel flow 9 pressure 3.25

I defueled the aircraft. The fuel tank, fuel tank screen and gascolator  screen were clean.  I inspected the fuel lines and carburetors and did not see any evidence of leaking. I pulled the bowls and the floats for both carbs were high at 7.5 grams. I also toke a look at the return line restrictor and did not find any contamination. Its been 5 years since the carbs have been inspected so I am planning on sending them to Lockwood.

Additional Information

Rv-12 2012 new to me. I have approximately 20 hours with the airplane.  

912 ULS  503 hours

OAT  64 F and sunny.

Total engine run before takeoff was 20 minutes

Fuel rec 91 (Michigan winter blend?)

ES40135 fuel pump is installed.

Mechanical fuel pump PN 893115. (I still need to look in it to see if the screen is clogged)

Total time from start up to takeoff was 21 minutes

Avionics are dynon D180 (I am guessing the latest efis setting are not installed)

Fuel lines are Teflon fire sleeve

Throttle friction was set on the tight side. I was kind of thinking maybe the throttle moved when my hand came off to silence the fuel warning an instinct I kind of regret having.

I have the .csv file if anyone is interested.

I noticed with the system off I am showing around 0.8 psi. fuel with engine off and fuel pump off. 

Does anyone have any additional troubleshooting/maintenance suggestions.

Thanks for any help.

  • Re: Engine issue on takeoff.

    by » 23 hours ago

    I am not saying it's the issue, but Rotax recommends that the carbs be overhauled every 200 hours. I have seen 912s that were hard to balance; after rebuilding, there were no issues. The cause could be a weak engine fuel pump. Has yours ever been replaced?

  • Re: Engine issue on takeoff.

    by » 22 hours ago


    Hi Joseph


    What you are experiencing is vapor lock!


    You are still using winter blend fuel, which has a high vapor pressure, and it is now too warm to operate safely with that fuel. If you want to continue flying, you MUST switch to 100LL Avgas!


    Trust me, we have seen this happen countless times, sometimes with very serious consequences.


    A clear sign that you are experiencing vapor lock is your fuel flow spiking above 9 GPH. This happens because the vapor is passing through your fuel flow transducer, causing the impeller to spin faster as the vapor moves through.


    You can do a blend of 100LL and auto fuel, but our recommendation is to switch entirely to 100LL and simply follow the additional oil and spark plug change intervals. Once your state transitions back to summer blend fuel, you can safely switch back to auto fuel.


    Here is a link to an article we wrote on the topic https://www.rotax-owner.com/en/flightsafety/476-ai476  Keep in mind that while we discuss the mandatory fuel return line in this article, it is NOT the ultimate solution to the issue you are experiencing.


    The ONLY way to resolve your problem is to switch fuel.


    The best combination for your setup is to run 100LL Avgas, use Decalin or TCP fuel additive to help scavenge lead deposits, and use fully synthetic XPS engine oil.


    See the attachments for more information.


    Also, replace the floats in your carburetors, as they are beyond the acceptable limits. You need to use the new-style floats with the "R" stamped on the side.

    I can almost guarantee you still have the older-style floats, which were affected by a service bulletin (SB) and should have been replaced a few years ago. While your floats are not the cause of the issues you're experiencing, they still need to be changed.

    42165_2_SI-916 i-001R6_915 i-001R7_912 i-001R12_912-016R17_914-019R17 8.pdf (You do not have access to download this file.)
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  • Re: Engine issue on takeoff.

    by » 22 hours ago

    Thanks for the response Ronald. Carb inspection and 5 year rubber replacement was done at 350 hours 12-3-2020 (current time is 503 hours). The electric fuel pump has around 20 hours on it. Engine driven pump was installed in 2017 at 173 hours. 


  • Re: Engine issue on takeoff.

    by » 19 hours ago

    Thanks, Rotax-owner. I appreciate the information. I checked the floats, and they have a "B" on them, but they are out of spec, so I will definitely replace them. I am a bit surprised to see vapor lock at a 61-degree OAT. Either way, I will definitely be switching fuels.

    Thanks again!

  • Re: Engine issue on takeoff.

    by » 18 hours ago


    Was the aircraft sitting outside on the ramp for a time before you flew it, and was the cabin warm inside when you got in?  The location of the fuel tank on the RV-12 can make it susceptible to solar heating of the fuel if the sun is beating down on the canopy.  The temperature of the fuel in the tank is a factor in vapor lock, and it may have been much warmer than OAT. 

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