Misfires Module B
Gentlemen, I am in process of doing my spring readiness on my Rotax 912 in an RV-12, including new spark plugs. the engine is 6 years old and has 450 hours on it Upon doing a run up I found a miss on B ignition. Removing the spark plugs and inspecting revealed that #3 top spark plug was not firing consistently as noted by the color. It was still somewhat shiney while the others were somewhat sooty. Swapping out that plug with another new one made no change. I removed the plug connector from the wire and found that the end of the wire looked black, as well as the pin in the connector. I cut off about half an inch of wire and found it to be nice and shiny. I decided to cut open the connector so I ordered a couple of new ones. I also removed the insulation from the cut off wire. Actually the internal wire looked very good except for right at the very tip, and the pin looks like it penetrates the wire by nearly a 1/2". I am concerned that my problem may be deeper than just the spark plug connector. Has anyone chased down an ignition related miss that was identified and was past the spark plug and connector. Looking forward to any pearls of wisdom here. By the way, my new connectors will be here Monday and I will post the results. Thanks....Tom