MFG date and service bulletins
I own a new 912UL that has never been run, that is the good news.
The bad news is it also has never had any service bulletins complied with. I acquired an unfinished homebuilt project and am approaching the engine install stage.
my concern is first of all, safety so I need a list of all service bulletins for the engine. Reading the forum, I understand I can get the manufacture date here, by posting the Serial # which is 4152270. I think once I have this information I can get a list of service bulletins applicable to this manufacture date and going forward to date. Is this correct?
The next question I would like to pose to the forum members is this:
Might it make sense to have the engine converted to the 100HP version, and in so doing, comply with many of the outstanding SB issues?
If this is a reasonable consideration, and would that also perhaps comply with the improvements needed to increase the TBO time, which I think I will learn was 600 hrs. on this engine, to the 1500 hr TBO of later model 912UL models?
I actually know very little, and am just starting my journey into the 912 experience, which is why I joined this organization. I look forward to the thoughts from those of you knowledgeable on the different options and issues and greatly appreciate everyone’s input.
if I can provide any further information that would better describe the situation please feel free to ask!
Is it appropriate to ask here where or who to talk to about some of the above options?
If not, I withdraw the question ? but would welcome private messages.