MONITOR YOUR ENGINE IN REAL-TIME With an update rate of five times per second, EngiBOX measures and displays the engine parameters to warn you instantly if any measurement exceeds the engine limits. Data is recorded and stored in the internal memory (up to 160 hours). EngiBOX is a light and compact engine monitor displaying:
- Oil Temperature / Air Temperature
- Revolutions per Minute (RPM)
- Cylinder Head Temperature (CHT) / Coolant Temperature (CT)
- Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT)
- Hobbs meter
Save, share and analyze your engine data
EngiBOX is the first integrated engine management system with mobile App and web portal:
Monitor your Engine in real-time during the flight
Use the EngiBOX App to download your engine performance data and share them with your Rotax Service Center to get instant support
Analyze your engine performance graphs for each parameter on the EngiBOX Portal
EngiBOX is compatible with
2 Stroke Air cooled Rotax 447 UL SCDI Rotax 503 UL DCDI
2 Stroke Liquid cooled Rotax 582 UL DCDI Rotax 618 UL DCDI
4 Stroke Liquid cooled Rotax 912 DCDI series Rotax 912S DCDI series Rotax 914 DCDI series

EngiBOX Portal
Analyze your engine data anywhere, anytime
- Safely store your engine data: always available on your EngiBOX Portal account
- Always in control: check your engine performance graphs for each parameter from any platform
- Share your data with your Rotax Service Center for an optimal support service
For full information on the EngiBOX, click here!



Engine Fogging Kit, 582 & 503 from RotacRepair.ca
( Click here for complete details )

582 & 503 Electric Carburetor Heater kit from RotacRepair.ca
( Click here for complete details )

ROTAX SWAG: "Ultimate Power" backpack, cap, and limited edition collector's wall clock