

I am considering purchasing a LSA with a Rotax engine. My big concern is fuel availability. None of the airfields I fly to, or might fly to, sell mogas but they all have 100LL. From what I have read, there are real problems with burning 100LL in your 912 engine. Is there a solution to this? What do other pilots do when they are on cross countries?
  • Re: Use of 100LL fuel in 912

    by » 12 years ago

    you can use 100LL it is just not preferred because of its high lead content. If you use 100LL occasionally it won't do any harm ,if you use it all the time then there will be lead build up on valves and gearbox.

    I use premium unleaded in my 912ULS, I use semi-synthetic oil(Aeroshell Sport Plus4) in case I need to top up with 100LL when mogas is unavailable. you can add decalin , a lead scavenger to the 100LL as well to help with the lead problems. There is a percentage of 100LL use before you have to worry about sooner oil changes, gearbox inspections and such. I think you should be able to find all the info in the rotax owners manual and maintanence manuals available on this site thru the links above.Try the link Support then engine manuals at the top of this page. Good luck

  • Re: Use of 100LL fuel in 912

    by » 12 years ago

    What is this product, decalin, to help with lead buildup? Where can you purchase some/ thanks

  • Re: Use of 100LL fuel in 912

    by » 12 years ago

    Decalin "Run up" works well and is "recognized" by Rotax due to positive field experience. It can be purchased at Spruce.

  • Re: Use of 100LL fuel in 912

    by » 12 years ago

    Decalin is a lead scavenger like TCP, but with milder chemicals. It can be kept in the plane with you and won't hurt your paint. If you are using 100LL you should be using a lead scavenger and running a little more rpm in cruise to help keep the leading down. You can't stop the leading, but you can slow it down some. The best medicine if you can use it is unleaded auto fuel. The 912ULS needs 91 octane or higher and the UL can use the 87 octane or higher.

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

  • Re: Use of 100LL fuel in 912

    by » 12 years ago

    I agree totally with Roger regarding using Decalin in the fuel if you can't find 91 octane alcohol free auto fuel. I have had my PiperSport for two years and have never had a minutes problem with lead build up. I always use 91 Octane Mogas unless I'm on a trip and have to use 100LL which if I do I always add an ouncs and a half of Decalin. As soon as I'm back home I go back to auto fuel. But it sound like you don't have 91 octane fuel where you live so 100 LL with Decalin is the way to go.

    What LSA's are you considering?

    Dick Russ
    Rotax IRMT Certified

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