

How do these temps/press look? My oil temp seems to sit up around here all the time now. Sometimes close to 130° on extended climb. Thoughts?
283F9DD2-6BBD-4989-B785-1ED05654F7D6.png (You do not have access to download this file.)
  • Re: Oil temp

    by » 7 years ago

    Hi Neil,
    Check with Brian, see what his Savannah sits at.

  • Re: Oil temp

    by » 7 years ago

    Neil, hi.

    I've never seen my Savannah having an oil temp over 95 centigrade, even during summer with outside temperature over 35 and while climbing. Maybe a clogged oil radiator or a faulty thermostat if you have one installed?

    Thank you said by: Neil Cooper

  • Re: Oil temp

    by » 7 years ago

    Hi I have a Savannah VG in New Zealand. In the wintertime I blank almost all of the oil cooler. My temps run up to 120 in an extended high power climb at low airspeed and then settle down to about 90/95 in cruise, depending on OAT. In summer I adjust the blanking to maintain similar temps. IMO it's good to get the temp up over the 100 degrees or so every flight but I wouldn't want to see 120 in cruise if that's what you have.


  • Re: Oil temp

    by » 7 years ago

    Thanks. It’s only in the climb that I get 120°. Cruise is about 110°

  • Re: Oil temp

    by » 7 years ago

    Your oil temp at the photos are rather high, but the CHT are low. When I had a similar problem in my other plane, both oil and CHT temps were high. Of course at that installation I have a 914 and the oil cooler was rather small for the turbocharged engine, so I installed a bigger one and the problem disappeared. In a Savannah, having oil temps about 110 during cruise is still in the greens but it seems higher than normal. In my hangar we have 5 XL's and two VG's and no one sees temperatures over 95 during cruise. During extended climbs no more than 100, 105 max.

    Thank you said by: Neil Cooper

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