

I have installed AvMap's EngiBOX on my 582. However, the EGT and CHT readings are too low, e.g. -150C at room temperature, or often show the X mark for a faulty connection.

I first checked that there were no faults in the fuselage wiring and that everything was conducting.
I had also selected the correct TC for the EngiBOX sensor setting and used the correct thermocouple wiring.

As there is still an abnormal value, I decided to test the EngiBOX by remove it from the aircraft and connected it to a 12V power source on my desk.
I prepared a type K thermocouple, which I use to measure temperature during normal maintenance (to make sure the sensor is not bad enough).
When I connect it to the EGT+/- on the EngiBOX, it still shows an abnormal value that is too low. When I heat it up with a lighter to test it, the temperature rises, but it is still not a normal value.

The connection at the moment is as follows;
POWER+ : 12V+ of the power supply on the desk
POWER- : GND of the power supply on the desk
TEMP1+ : + of the K-type thermocouple
TEMP1- : - of the K-type thermocouple

If you have the same experience or a solution, please let me know.

  • Re: EngiBOX Installation on 582 UL

    by » 5 weeks ago

    There was a thread on this a while ago.  You must use the AvMap sensors including their probes.  

    Contact AvMap and ask is my suggestion. 


  • Re: EngiBOX Installation on 582 UL

    by » 5 weeks ago

    Engibox supports Rotax EGT sensors types K and J. They also provide their own thermocouple sensors.

    Check if the default type for 582 is not J... Or simply check what you have in the settings for EGT sensors.



  • Re: EngiBOX Installation on 582 UL

    by » 5 weeks ago

    Thank you for suggestion. Mr.Rotax wizard and Mr.Miotacz


    I will ask about this to AvMap.


    I' m sure the sensor type(TC J or K) is correct. Anyway It sems to necessary to get genuine sensor. I hope genuine sensor can works well.

    I think the mechanism of TH sensor should be same, so even if non-genuine sensor is used. I wonder why...

  • Re: EngiBOX Installation on 582 UL

    by » Yesterday

    Be aware that thermocouples can grounded, and ungrounded. I went over a series of them until I re-read the manual, the message is almost hidden, page 8 

    WARNING: Thermocouple sensors must be ungrounded, not be referred to GND or negative external power. 

    And as mention before select the right type.


    My CHT are type J UNGROUNDED  and EGT are type K UNGROUNDED


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