

Hello Im from argentina, and a New owner of a ultralight an rotax motor. My rotax doesnt charge my battery, what could happend.
  • Re: My 582 doesnt charge my battery

    by » 13 years ago


    First place to look would be the voltage regulator. With the engine running, the output voltage from the regulator should be around 12.5 to 14.5 VDC. If you get nothing there, check the input voltage. It should be anywhere from 60VAC to 300VAC depending on engine speed.


  • Re: My 582 doesnt charge my battery

    by » 13 years ago

    Bill I can test the regulator, without the engine. Because I have all the plane dissambly, and I dont have anything to put the engine to statr

  • Re: My 582 doesnt charge my battery

    by » 13 years ago


    I have never tried to test the regulator when it is not on a running engine. I can't tell you what to do.

    Perhaps someone else on the forum can tell you how to check it without the engine running. If you have a friend with a rotax engine, perhaps you could put it on his plane to see if it works there.



  • Re: My 582 doesnt charge my battery

    by » 13 years ago

    thank bill, all my question are, becuase a I bought a ultralight, and I do a navigation to my city, and I landed, the next day I did a flight, and when I landed during the taxi, the left gear landing, has brokken, so, the ultralight had a very bad desing of the landing gear.
    So I dissambled all the plane and Iam in proccess to modificated the landing gear, so I dissambled the panel instrument, and I had discovered that all whas very bad. Here Nobody had a rotax.
    Well, I appreciated you for your quikc question.
    Now you have an update of my situation.
    Sorry my englhis is not good.
    Thank you

  • Re: My 582 doesnt charge my battery

    by » 13 years ago


    Sorry to hear about the landing gear. Hope there was not a lot of damage. I have had my share of accidents over the years and have spent about as much time fixing as I have flying.

    If the wiring in the panel was bad, you could just have a wiring problem with the regulator. If you click on the SUPPORT tab at the top of the page, you can download the manuals and wiring diagram for your engine.


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