

I have a new oil pump for my 582 blue head, but I'm having no success connecting the oil pump cable and carb cables to the throddle junction. There is not enough room to slide the tube and connect the throddle. I'm doing something wrong. What are the steps to make the connection?

K. O
  • Re: The process of connecting the oil pump cable

    by » 13 years ago


    What type of cable junction box do you have? One commonly seen junction box is a red anodized tube with black plastic end caps. If this is the type you have, it cannot be disassembled without nearly destroying the whole thing. If you have the type with ends that unscrew, just disconnect the throttle cable from the throttle quadrant in the cockpit, unscrew the end with the single throttle cable, then unscrew the tube from the end with the three cables, then everything will slide right down the single throttle cable. The better type long junction blocks are available from CPS for about $25.00. You cannot disassemble either junction box enough to change cables without disconnecting the single cable from the throttle quadrant first.

    hope this helps,


    Thank you said by: dennis clarke

  • Re: The process of connecting the oil pump cable

    by » 13 years ago

    I have the aluminum tube connector with threaded ends. On one end there are 3 holes, for each carb and one for the oil pump. The other end has 1 hole for the throttle. With the carb and oil cables in the brass connector there is not enough room to push the connector outside the tube. If I try the reverse, with the trottle cable in the brass connector there is not enough room to push out of the tube. When it was just the carb cables, there was plenty of room. Should I disconnect the cables from the carbs and oil pump? The throttle cable is already at the stop of the throttle assemble.

  • Re: The process of connecting the oil pump cable

    by » 13 years ago


    Easiest way is to take the single throttle cable completely loose from the cockpit end if you can. Once this is done, you can slide the cable housing down the throttle cable as far as you need to expose everything and install the oil cable in the three hole end and slip it in the brass slug that holds all the cables. If you can't disconnect the single cable, you will need to disconnect all three of the cables on the other end. You can disconnect either end but if possible, it is easier to disconnect just the one cable in the cockpit. If the end of the cable is frayed or bent where it is disconnected, don't slide the cable housing all the way off or you may have trouble threading the cable back into the housing. If the cockpit end has a swaged stop on the cable end, you may have to disconnect all the carb end cables. In any case, one end almost always has to be disconnected.

    Good luck. Unfortunately, that is one of those little jobs that looks easier than it really is.


  • Re: The process of connecting the oil pump cable

    by » 13 years ago

    Thanks Bill, I disconnected the carb cables and oil pump cable, I disconnected the throttle cable, still no go. I think the oil pump cable is too short.

  • Re: The process of connecting the oil pump cable

    by » 13 years ago


    If the pump cable is too short, just cut about an inch off of the cable sheathing. That pump cable has a large cable stop on the pump end and a very small stop on the end that goes in the cable splitter. Sometimes that cable can be removed from the cable sheathing and sometimes not. If you have a lot of patience and are VERY CAREFUL you can use a dremel tool and shorten the cable sheathing with the cable still inside. I've done it, but its not easy.


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