

I have a blue head on an Xair with 100 hrs. In Queensland I run a 70:30 water:glycol mix in Summer. I noticed the engine was starting to have trouble getting up to temp on first colder days of Winter so reverted to my Winter mix of 50:50. Engine still had trouble maintaining 60 degrees Celsius unless on full revs (70 degrees). Tested both temp gauge and thermostat both of which operated perfectly. Have been operating a couple of years with no problems. Any ideas what might be causing this?
  • Re: 582 running cold

    by » 7 years ago

    You either need to check the coolant thermostat or need a strip of Aluminum Tape to block a portion of the radiator.

    Bill Hertzel
    Rotax 912is
    North Ridgeville, OH, USA
    Clicking the "Thank You" is Always Appreciated by Everyone.

  • Re: 582 running cold

    by » 7 years ago

    Thanks Bill.
    Thermostat checked and even replaced it for good measure. Motor has never had an issue with low temp for last 3 seasons, which suggests the radiator has not been over effective, requiring taping up. I just think it must be something else?

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