

May I please have any information on 503 Mot. Nr. 4839554, and 582 Mot. Nr. 3971817. Any and all would be appreciated. Thank you.
  • Re: Motor Data

    by » 6 years ago

    The factory engine database is still undergoing maintenance. We're hoping it will be back online tomorrow (18-Jan) and we'll be able to do engine lookups then...

    Thank you said by: Adam Grengs

  • Re: Motor Data

    by » 5 years ago

    If your database is up and running, may I please have all available info in 503 Motor Number 4839554, and 582 Motor Number 3971817. Thank you very much!

  • Re: Motor Data

    by » 5 years ago

    4839554 was produced 26-Feb-2001

    Engine Serial Number: 4839554
    Engine Type: ROTAX 503 UL FA
    Model Number: 305030020

    ( no additional data is found in the factory database )


    3971817 was produced 20-Feb-1991

    Engine Serial Number: 3971817
    Engine Type: ROTAX 582 UL
    Model Number: 305820010

    ( no additional data is found in the factory database )

    Thank you said by: Adam Grengs

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