


I recently had the 200-hour carb service done on my 914 and it's been an issue getting the carbs totally sealed as you can see in the linked video below. It's not completely done yet, as you can see.

But, another issue that I think needs addressing is the oil blowing up from the Airbox intake tube. What would cause this? It seems like just tightening the clamp would help, but why would there even be oil in that tube??

Video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ek7nu5u79qtja8r88zxlc/IMG_1076.MOV?rlkey=2pi1mduhfib33kvtj01ro65bz&dl=0

Change the video resolution in the lower right to 1080P to better see what I'm showing.


10309_1_IMG_1078.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)
  • Re: 914 Oil Seepage From Airbox Intake Tube

    by » 12 months ago

    I should add that not long ago someone said they saw a puff of white smoke on takeoff.. 

  • Re: 914 Oil Seepage From Airbox Intake Tube

    by » 12 months ago

    Hi Craig

    White smoke on takeoff suggests your turbo is flooding oil while you sit.  The turbo will push this into the airbox and cause the oil in the vent as you have noted and the white smoke.  The fitting just at the terminal where the oil is pumped into the top of the turbo has a small check ball and spring.  This is the most likely source of your problem.  The banjo bolt that holds these parts and the ball have carbon on them.  In addition remove the oil tank from the bottom of the turbo and clean any carbon buildup from inside if any.  Hot engine shutdown is the most likely long term issue.  Be sure to cool the turbo after flight by prolonged taxi and idle to allow oil cooling.


    Thank you said by: Craig E Maiman

  • Re: 914 Oil Seepage From Airbox Intake Tube

    by » 12 months ago

    I assume if I do either of those I need to purge the oil system afterward?

  • Re: 914 Oil Seepage From Airbox Intake Tube

    by » 12 months ago

    Craig, yup.  Not worth the risk.  

    Do the purge and as a final bit remove the line from the turbo oil return at the oil tank and check to make sure you have good flow back to tank from the scavenge pump. 


    Thank you said by: Craig E Maiman

  • Re: 914 Oil Seepage From Airbox Intake Tube

    by » 12 months ago

    I looked at how to get access to the banjo bolt at the top of the turbo and it is extremely difficult to get in there, so I'm worried that I'll have great difficulty getting it back together.

    Can I run the engine with the top cowling off and watch whether I still have a problem before trying to fly it to someone who really knows what they're doing? Could I just look for any white smoke and any oil escaping from the airbox intake tube? If nothing appears then I'm fine to fly?

    Any other symptoms I could check for to ascertain whether I still have a problem and I shouldn't fly?

    Anything that I could add to the oil to clear up any blockages?


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