

  • Re: Engine start issues

    by » 2 weeks ago

    Those steps won’t work as the carbs flooded while just standing. I cannot push more fuel that for sure does not help. And yes I have the throttle cracked when trying to start. 

  • Re: Engine start issues

    by » one week ago

    Hi Ofek

    If you are leaking before the engine starts you have not solved the needle valve seat seal.  Follow the test from the MMH (attached)  If it cant seal static head pressure for sure it will flood.  


    39979_2_needle valve check.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)

  • Re: Engine start issues

    by » one week ago

    Thanks Mike - You are absolutely correct. Did the above from memory. That's why I have a checklist - memory fails from time to time.

    Again from memory I think "throttle fully closed", comes between Boost off & Choke On😈

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