

Help - I am going insane 

I am finishing a Europa XS with a Rotax 914 Turbo engine model 309140010 serial number 4417803

After making my last post on this forum, an expert directed me to use BUDS software to connect to the 914 TCU.

It seems that this software will not install in a working condition to a 32 bit machine - it cannot find COM1

When I install on a 64 bit machine with no COM1 port, only a USB port, I use a suitable converter, but it will also not find the TCU

At this time, I cannot source a 64 bit machine with a COM1 port.

Does anyone know where there is a set of correct instructions on how to properly run the BUDS software to configure a 914 TCU ?

Without knowing the correct way to set this up, it seems to be trail and error - I have spent weeks trying to do a simple thing with Rotax software that does not work as stated.

Can anyone help ?

Kind Regards




  • Re: 914 Turbo TCU software

    by » 7 months ago

    If you are using a USB to COM adapter, in Device Manager you can go into advanced settings and change the COM port number assuming that it is not already in use. If it is, you need to renumber this one first and then configure your USB COM port. If you need to release the original COM port number there are few methods, either:

    1. Open command prompt as admin.
    3. devmgmt.msc
    4. View - Show hidden devices
    5. Delete unwanted devices, do not remove driver.


    Use this tool: https://www.uwe-sieber.de/misc_tools_e.html#arbiter

    Thank you said by: Trevor Dance

  • Re: 914 Turbo TCU software

    by » 7 months ago


    I suggest to have a look into Bud Yerly´s very thoroughly condensed knowledge about how to connect your computer/software to your TCU.

    Worked for me. The SABRENT USB Adapter is key!


    And if you are no member yet, maybe this is the best time for you to join the Europa Club:


    Tons of knowledge and help provided by a worldwide community of other Europa owners across the Club Homepage, "The Europa Flyer" magazine, WhatsApp groups, mailing lists, tech-talks. 

    Holding fingers crossed for you to solve that TCU software conundrum soon!


    Thank you said by: Trevor Dance

  • Re: 914 Turbo TCU software

    by » 7 months ago

    Thank you Tom,

    Bud is a genius and he has helped me with my build on email and I have learnt a lot reading his notes.

    However, the explanation you pointed me to, is for a TCU that I do not have - I have TCU 966473 which is a very early one.

    I will certainly try going through the motions explained in huge detail, but I fear this may be a dead end.

    The sad part is that I got the thing to communicate perfectly with a borrowed Dongle and the early Software version 4.5 on a 32 bit machine with a 9 pin serial configured to COM1 where I can see my throttle changes reflected on the screen. This shows me that my TCU only registers 108% at full throttle and not 115% as it says it should. The "t" function to update the TCU has absolutely no effect - so I can see it is wrong and cannot change it.

    The USB to serial adaptor I have, was also supplied by the Rotax dealer here in NZ together with the dongle has been tried on the other 64 bit laptop and it will not connect at all. I will try the configuration changes mentioned to see if I can com port 1 to work.

    Thanks again for your help, I will let you know how I get on.





  • Re: 914 Turbo TCU software

    by » 7 months ago

    Update 4th September 2024...

    Thank you everyone for your help, this has been an interesting journey.

    After many attempts doing things different ways with different computers, I have given-up on the 64 bit and USB solution using BUDS. It seems fraught with issues that are fine if you are a windows computer nerd, but I have no wish to get this buried in configuring obsolete equipment.

    Instead, I went back to the one KNOWN GOOD function that I had and looked for a workaround

    Using the original 32 bit machine running the correct TCU software for my early TCU, the MONITOR function works.

    As the configuration function does not work, I instead fiddled with the cabling to get to the point where I can see 0% and 115% for closed throttle and full throttle. This was done on the advice of a friend who had exactly the same issue and resolved it the same way. Whilst this is kind of backwards, it does avoid the requirement to become an expert of equipment that is rightly only fit for landfill.

    Since the 32 bit computer I purchased was a quality Dell machine, it is possible that this machine may last a while and I can use it in future. I just hope my local Rotax dealer keeps the Dongle safe and well for future borrowing.

    Thanks again for all your help.

    I may go back to the BUDS software at some future date, but for now, I am just happy that the TCU is doing the correct thing, so the engine should start and not blow itself up from over boost.







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