

I have an issue with the right engine on my AirCam. I would greatly appreciate any advice you could.

The issue has presented itself three times so far:

  1. Once, during a level flight at about 7,500 ft, and
  2. Again, after a touch-and-go at our home airport in Guaymaral (SKGY)
  3. Yesterday, in a testing flight over the airport.

All of these times, the engine was running at around 3,800 to 4,200 RPM, and suddenly, the RPM dropped to between 2,300 and 2,900. When I attempted to increase power, the throttle had almost no effect.  After a minute or two, the engine recovers its full power.

For context, the carburetors were serviced entirely, and the mechanical fuel pumps on both engines changed after the first occurrence.  The next occurrence was just two days after the service, during a touch-and-go at Guaymaral, right before entering the downwind leg. I landed immediately, and after a visual inspection for leaks or abnormalities, I restarted the engine, and all parameters appeared normal again.

After the second occurrence of the issue, I decided to inspect the tanks, piping, and electrical connections. However, nothing unusual was found during these inspections. The local mechanics are still uncertain about the root cause, though they are suggesting the ignition module might be the problem. I have my doubts about that diagnosis and am exploring other potential causes.

Do you have any ideas about what might be causing this sudden RPM drop and throttle response issue? I would greatly appreciate any advice or insights you can provide.

  • Re: RPM Drop in 912ULS

    by » 6 months ago

    Hi Francisco

    you have a carb engine.  The altitude you are at suggests you are flying way too low on RPM.  A carb engine loses about 3% HP for every 1000 foot gain in altitude.  At your  airport elevation, which shows up as below, you are more than 20% lower power than sea level.  I would suggest you contact the Service Centre and talk to them.  

    It is highly unlikely that the ignition modules are at fault.  If they pass the MAG test before flight both should be working fine.  Even if one stops completely the other should run without problem.  There would be no drop in that case..  The AirCam should have electric boost pumps, be sure they are on as you have a lower fuel supply from the engine and a high lift to get fuel to the pumps.  Be sure that they have adjusted the needles correctly in the carbs, at the altitude you are flying it may be sensitive to over or underfueling.  

    I suggest talk to http://alaisc.com/

    Aeroparts Latinoamerica, they are in Medellin. 




    Airport Ident: SKGY
    Airport Name: GUAYMARAL, Colombia
    Location: Chia
    Latitude: N0448.7     Longitude: W07403.9
    Field Elevation: 8390'    Variation: W6° as of 01/06
    Time Zone: UTC-5

  • Re: RPM Drop in 912ULS

    by » 6 months ago

    Hi Rotax Wizard!

    Thank you for your response. I’m already in contact with Aeroparts Latinoamerica, and they performed the carburetor service to troubleshoot the issue. They’ve been accommodating, but unfortunately, we still haven’t pinpointed the root cause.

    I didn’t mention this earlier, but I’ve been operating the AirCam from this airport since it was new, with over 700+ hours of flight time, and this is the first time I’ve encountered this issue. The carburetor service was done following their recommendation, but the problem persists, so we’re continuing to investigate.

    Thanks again for your insights, and I’ll keep working with the team to see if we can find a solution.

    Best regards,

  • Re: RPM Drop in 912ULS

    by » 5 months ago

    Maybe carb ice?

    Do you have the full-time carb heaters on your AirCam? I had Lockwood install them on both my 912 ULS engines before I took delivery. Peace of mind. 

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