

I am getting ready to hang my 912ULS on my RANS S-19 Venterra.  RANS supplies a DVD with engine installation tips.  One of the requirements is to remove the upper water pump outlet fitting, part # 922238 (from the January 2024 Illustrated Parts Catalog) on the left side of the engine and replace it with a new one that is "parallel" to the lower outlet fitting.  On my "new" engine (December 2022), it looks like these outlet fittings are already parallel.  My engine serial number is 9144585. The RANS DVD was produced a long time ago (guessing 15 or more years ago).  I have looked at photos of the water pump online, and it does appear that there "were" pumps where the outlets were not parallel, as well as pumps where the outlets are parallel.  Is there a way to track Rotax water pump changes?  Are there different part numbers for the pump assemblies depending on the orientation of the outlet fittings?  Thanks!

10707_1_912ULS Water Pump Outlets parallel I think.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)
10707_1_912ULS Water Pump Outlets not parallel.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)
  • Re: 912ULS Water Pump Versions

    by » 4 months ago

    As long as the hoses fit up ok and not clash with the airframe, I would keep what you have.


    You can also rotate those fittings if needed but follow the procedures if you do.

  • Re: 912ULS Water Pump Versions

    by » 4 months ago

    Apparently these coolant elbows often need to be changed around to provide clearance from the engine mount structures of various airframes. You can see in the attached screenshot how an 80° fitting needs to be installed in the cyl. 2 outlet to allow the genuine Rotax ring mount to be used. From memory, my engine's installation requires two 80° fittings to provide clearance from the engine mount.

    There's a good video on this site demonstating how to change the outlet fittings: https://www.rotax-owner.com/en/videos-topmenu/rotax-minute/375-elbow (Note that at the time that this video was filmed, the then current MMH specified the use of Loctite 245 [blue] to seal the fittings, while the latest MMH specifies the use of Loctite 577. [yellow])

    The callout for P/N 922232 in the RANS documentation is a bit of a head scratcher: P/N 922231 is an 80° elbow fitting and P/N 922233 is a 45° elbow fitting, but there is no P/N 922232 in the 912/914 IPC. Maybe it's an obsolete part number that was still current at the time RANS developed the engine installation.

    41147_2_Rotax configurator.png (You do not have access to download this file.)

  • Re: 912ULS Water Pump Versions

    by » 4 months ago

    The video you referenced is excellent!  They recommend Loctite 648 (green).  I think I also read that somewhere in the Rotax documentation?  Thanks!

  • Re: 912ULS Water Pump Versions

    by » 4 months ago

    Heat the fitting area where it screws in with a heat gun or a small butane torch and get it hot. Then it will unscrew. Make sure the threads on the new fitting or the old one are clean. I clean them with laquer thinner. Then I prefer Loctite 648. Apply it on all the threads and not just one drop like a bolt. Then screw it all the way in and then back out to the alignment position you want it.

    You do the same thing on top of the engine where the 17mm coolant hoses are. I see leaks up there from time to time. I put a magic marker mark on the flange and the pipe so I know exactly where I want it to point when I'm done. I remove the flange it's screwed into and take it off the engine so as not to heat other items and it's easier this way. Heat it and unscrew the fitting. Clean those threads and apply the Loctite 648 and screw it back in and align your marks so you keep the angle you want the fitting to face.

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

    Thank you said by: Michael Tucker

  • Re: 912ULS Water Pump Versions

    by » 4 months ago

    Just a note. 

    Rotax changed the use of 648 (and also 242/243) on the cooling system parts.  The new material is specifically for sealing liquids rather than a thread locker.  


    41150_2_thread seaant 577.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)
    41150_2_Loctite 577 hose nipples.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)
    41150_2_pump housing nipples.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)

    Thank you said by: Michael Tucker

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