

new exhaust for my "legacy" 2016 500 TT 912ULS AmBuilt (by me) RV12

Vans $3100

Toucan Exhaust  $1295

Aeroweld  a little confusing but around $1200


I haven't heard of Toucan or Aeroweld, and all Vans could tell me is that it is better.



  • Re: new exhaust

    by » 3 months ago

    Hi Steve,

    When I Googled your 3 exhaust systems I found;

    Toucan - Two separate exhausts (one for each side of the engine). In the motorcycle world, what might be called a 4 into 2 system (2 mufflers). Quite diffrent to the standard Rotax  4 into 1. I suspect that the Toucan is for installations where space does not allow for a Rotax style log muffler and/or where the purchaser is hoping for additional engine performance.

    Aeroweld - Variation on a Rotax style muffler with the option of two diffrent tailpipe exit positions.

    Vans - Looks to be a Rotax OM or copy theroff.

    It is likly that all three systems are similar in performance (the Toucan possibly noisier). Toucan, claims of improved performance may be illusory/exaggerated as may any claims from Aeroweld.

    If you are replacing a Rotax OM or Vans supplied system, the Aeroweld will likly fit however the muffler with the bottom offset tail pipe may interfere with your nose wheel assembly.

    I do not know legislative environment that apply to your aircraft - you may be obliged to source your parts from Vans. If this is not the case the choice of exhaust system is yours.

  • Re: new exhaust

    by » 3 months ago


    Mine is purely amateur built.  It is 99.9% Vans plans/kit with just some minor changes.  I can put whatever exhaust that offers improvement and total compatibility with my plane.  The standard exhaust has been OK, I am very sorry if I hurt anyone with one of the springs that landed before I did.  Also, small amounts of exhaust leak at the joints has defied solution despite constant carb tuning, and dynamic balancing for vibration, changing springs encased with tubes of red sealant, various joint compounds, and even a period of wrapping the exhaust.

    I am just curious about new solutions/improvements that might be available.

  • Re: new exhaust

    by » 3 months ago

    Hi all

    When you have decided on what you are going to use consider reading the installation manual for that engine.  Many non Rotax systems have issues do check the data.  Ask what they got for values in testing.  if they can't answer that find another vendor. 


    41514_2_912 exhaust requirements.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)

  • Re: new exhaust

    by » 3 months ago

    Totally agree, that's why I am posting here to find the issues before I purchase a system.  So far there doesn't seem to any experience with these systems.

  • Re: new exhaust

    by » 3 months ago

    Well regardless of your decision, based upon your name, I have no doubt it will be brilliant!

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