Hi Des,
Thanks for your inputs! Don't worry, at this point there are no stupid questions. I need to think that anything is possible.
I am sure the propeller was in the takeoff position, because it's part of the check list, and I attempted to takeoff a few times, so the chances that I missed that step all the times are very slim.
The servo cable and wastegate mechanism were checked and lubricated. I am almost sure everything is OK here.
I don't have a MAP gauge. For that reason I have just bought an Aviasport Turbo monitor, that connects to the TCU serial port (the same used for TLR46 software), and reads all TCU parameters. https://www.aviasport.com/UPDATE_2022/Instrumentacion/Turbo/IM_3917/IM_3917.aspx Unfortunately I don't have it yet.
The temperature being too high is not very probable, because it was almost freezing outside temperature. Though, now that you mention it, I remember to observe the CHT just before takeoff was quite high, almost 110C. In this low temperatures I warm up the engine with almost closed cowling flaps. And for taxing I needed to use abnormally high RPMs because the taxi way is grass, uphill and it was a bit soft due to all the rain in the previous days. I have an intercooler, which reduces considerably the air temperature that comes out of the Turbo to the airbox.
I haven't flushed the oil circuit (MML 12-20-00 page 65 and carry out the 4 steps in that table). The annual service is approaching, so it's something that I will need to do sooner or later, but I don't understand the reasoning. Can you explain why you think this can help me to find the issue and potential solution?
At this moment, I have 3 potential causes:
1- Something is wrong with TCU/sensors, which makes the servo not go above 80% in throttle at 115%. If this is the case I am totally lost because I don't know how to proceed. I am not aware that I can do anything in BUDS or TLR46 to solve this.
2- Air leak in the intake system. This continues to be the most probable cause. I have thoroughly checked all hose clamps of the big hoses (air filter, turbo to intercooler, intercooler to airbox and airbox to carbs). I have also checked the small hoses coming out of the airbox, but due to accessibility, I am not very sure that I have done a good inspection job here.
3- The airbox temperature was too high. The probability is not high, but the possibility is there.
Game plan:
1- Connect BUDS and warm up the engine with cowling flaps totally open. Check what's going on at 115% (Airbox temperature, servo position, Airbox pressure (and target).
2- Check all the hoses for air leaks. This is not an easy job for a normal human being in my Stemme. The accessibility is awful and you would need very slim arms with several elbows to do a proper job! The inspections that I have done so far were all with the engine not running. Is there any inconvenient in having the engine running and put soap water in the hoses to check for leaks?
For some unknown reason the text, at least in my computer, is partially hidden on the right side, so I attached a screen shot where you can read the text as I have written it.