Engine Speed Governing
I seek your learned clarification on the above topic;
I have always understood that a carburettor engine speed (rpm), is governed/controlled by the amount of air:fuel allowed into the engine.
The PRIMARY mechanism that determine the amount of air: fuel is the "butterfly" valve, which the pilot controls using the throttle.
The butterfly is opened/closed at will, influences the air pressure/vacuum in the carburettor body, which then opens/closes a needle valve allowing more/less fuel to mix with the air.
Then there is the SECONDARY mechanism, the propeller. Depending on blade pitch the propeller will also act as a governor. Fine pitch will allow higher RPM, Coarse pitch will restrict RPM.
So - IF I have my 912ULS at Wide Open Throttle (WOT) and I have a Constant Speed Propeller (CS) I know I can use the pitch of the prop to control engine RPM but can I also control fuel consumption.
Put another way;
With fixed pitch prop, I want to select 5200 RPM for a reasonably economy/ good power, cruise setting.
With a CS, engine at WOT, can I select a pitch, that will reduce engine RPM to 5200 FOR THE SAME FUEL FLOW as above (no change in WOT)?😈