

Had an issue with my 914 over the weekend where I had a dropoff in power during flight. The MAP dropped from the normal 33" down into the high 20's and then back up again a number of times, with the RPM also dropping slightly (Sling 4 with CSU).  This occurred just before top of descent, a normal landing was performed.  On the following flight I noticed the MAP drop from 40" (5800RPM) down into the 30's and not recover. It was a warm day (low 30C) but it did feel rather gutless with pretty ordinary climb performance for a bit.  Was able to climb out and things stabilised at a normal 33" for the remainder of the flight, with uneventful landing, but was keeping VERY alert for the possible need to divert in a hurry....

I downloaded the G3X logs after these flights and have attached a few comparisons here - of note the fuel pressure following the MAP, and not holding 40" during the 5800RPM phase of takeoff, otherwise nothing out of the ordinary.

Looking back through previous logs, it looks like I have been having these fluctuations during/after takeoff for a while, but have not noticed anything whilst flying. This is the first time I have actually seen (and felt) a significant MAP drop - I have seen the MAP vary by 2-3" from time to time, but (wrongly) assumed that was normal.

I did have the 5yr hose replacement done at the last annual, around 30 hours ago - I am hoping this is just the 'common' rubber debris in the carbs issue - does this track with the attached logged data output?  I need to book in with my LAME to get this checked out, would like to go in armed with likely candidates :-)

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  • Re: 914 Fluctuating pressures

    by » 5 weeks ago

    G'day Geoff,

    Looking at the symptoms, I would break them down into 3 components.

    Firstly the MAP fluctuations. Could be a sticking and/or poorly adjusted wastegate. I would ground run the engine with the B.U.D.S. software running on a P.C. connected to the serial interface of the TCU. This software accesses more data than the G3X can display and will assist in troubleshooting a TCU or sensor malfunction. It also allows engine parameter history files to be accessed. Instructions for the installation and use of the software is found in the MMH chapter 76-10-00 commencing on page 4. Here's a "how to" re the cable required Connecting ROTAX TLR software to the 914 TCU. I found the Sabrent cable on Amazon.AU and it works well. Personally I would perform an engine run without changing anything on the engine and record the data then perform a second run after having cleaned, lubricated and adjusted the wastegate servo cable "system" in accordance with the MML 12-20-00 page 65 (which also then refers to the MMH for further information). There is also a video on this site regarding adjusting the cable. Wastegate Adjustment - 914 Additionally I would check and adjust, if necessary, the throttle position. I notice also you had a wiring issue previously with the MAP indication. Although these fluctuations appear to me to be more than just an indication issue, perhaps another check of the engine wiring (TCU in particular) is in order to eliminate that as a culprit. 

    Secondly the fuel pressure observations. The fuel pressure regulator on your engine is designed to maintain fuel pressure at 6.5psi (0.25 bar) above the airbox pressure. To observe this relationship requires a differential pressure sender be installed and connected to the indicator. With that installation, you would observe a fuel pressure of 6.5 psi (approximately) during all phases of engine operation. I notice your fuel pressure indication varies widely suggesting you have a sender installed that refers to atmospheric pressure and not the airbox. Your indicated fuel pressure will vary due to altitude as well as power setting (higher fuel pressure with more power/MAP &/or altitude and vice versa) At this stage I would rule fuel pressure out as a contributing factor.

    Thirdly the major reduction in power on a hot day. I think your engine operated as designed. There is a function of the TCU that, in order to protect the engine from excessive temperatures, will reduce the boost pressure by opening the wastegate WITHOUT WARNING if the airbox air reaches a certain temperature (88C on later engines). Unless your aircraft has an airbox temperature sensor and indicator installed, you will have no way of knowing you are approaching this limit. It would be interesting to see the coolant (or CHT) temperature of the flight in question on the Savvy graph you posted. Hopefully the B.U.D.S. software can find the logs from that flight and by looking for elevated airbox temperature and a simultaneous servo position change opening the wastegate, you will be able to determine if this was indeed the case. Extended ground running, not doing runups into wind, etc. can allow under cowl temperatures to increase. Also please check the condition of the induction system for holes in the SCAT hose, loose clamps, air filter housing misaligned, etc. If the engine is ingesting under cowl air, that will raise the airbox temperature too.

    I hope this is of some value to you.




  • Re: 914 Fluctuating pressures

    by » 5 weeks ago

    Thanks Des, will check out what I can - some good tips in there.

    Attached are the MAP vs Coolant Temp graphs for the same two flights looks liek I don't have the individual CHT's ... I'm not sure it's getting too hot in the induction side, but that could be something to check with the SCAT hoses... the bit that concerns me the most was the unexpected in-flight reductions.

    Pretty sure we've met - are you the Des building a SLG2 TDR with the same paint scheme as my -4, former ZU-TAD ? If so I'm 'just' down the road in Canberra - not geting much response from my LAME's might have to come visit    :-)



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    41999_2_WG-CB1.png (You do not have access to download this file.)

  • Re: 914 Fluctuating pressures

    by » 5 weeks ago

    Hi Geoff, yes that’s me, I hope you are well.

    I never quite know how to respond to posts, don’t want to sound like I’m teaching how to suck eggs.

    Here’s a link to an old document that you may find of interest. Some of the numbers it quotes differ from the current manuals but the basics still apply. If you’ve seen it before please disregard.


    G3X allows only one coolant temp input per engine, the only way to have both coolant probes active at the same time is to wire them to a different connector on the GEA24 and call them CHT, a bit of a pain.

    I’d definitely plug the P.C. in and try to find the TCU logs. I’m trying to think what would cause the relatively high frequency/low amplitude MAP oscillations prior to the big drop. That’s why I suggested a wiring check, maybe power the TCU with the engine stopped and the BUDS program running then jiggle the wires/connectors trying to induce a reaction in a sensor. Maybe disconnect the sensor  connectors and give them a spray with contact cleaner too.

    A lube and adjustment of the wastegate cable wouldn’t hurt. Maybe drop the float bowls and check for debris.

    There has been some history of servo motors failing over the years but I don’t know if your symptoms point to that, maybe?

    The low power you described on the subsequent flight with takeoff power set could very well be related to and caused by the same “inflight” issue you experienced. However I’d ask you not to discount the possibility of TCU intervention due to air box temperature I mentioned. A 30c (in the shade) day, air box close to a relatively dark coloured top cowl perhaps in the sun with let’s say 15 minutes of engine running including highish power for mag & prop checks will have the undercowl temperature pretty warm. We need to consider the now heat soaked engine, plus the heat transfer from the turbo mass to the induction air as it passes through then add in the temp rise due to compression then we give it the beans introducing even more heat from burning more fuel. It won’t take long for the critical temp to be reached.

    I had the great fortune and honour of knowing Sean Russell at Sling in Joh’burg and he once told me that if he could choose only one option on a 914 powered aircraft it would be an air box temperature indicator. My 914 powered ‘2 has airbox temperature monitoring. I still don’t understand the Rotax logic of having a function designed into their aircraft engine that can significantly reduce power at a time most critical to flight safety (and any other time for that matter) and not provide an indication of impending activation of said function to the operator.

    Here’s a link to a video you may also find of interest.


    It would be great to catch up, my email is djh022430 at gmail.com if you’d like to get in touch.

    Good luck and once again, cheers.



  • Re: 914 Fluctuating pressures

    by » 5 weeks ago

    Downloaded the B.U.D.S software and plugged in this morning.  With a COLD engine, inside the hangar, ambient temp of 21C I see the airbox temp at over 70C - fluctuating between 55-72.  SO... This could well be the smoking gun, a bad sensor fooling the TCU into dumping way too early ...  I downloaded the TCU logs as well, but they really don't seem complete in any way (only 19 lines in the DataLogs.csv) ... there are a few entries in the FaultLogs file that seem to indicate high manifold temps (>90C) 

    We're off to maintenance tomorrow for them to check everything over anyway, so hopefully it will be relatively easy to identify this one :-)


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  • Re: 914 Fluctuating pressures

    by » 4 weeks ago

    So after a bit of attention from my LAME, It looks to have been that airbox temp sensor as suspected - but not so much a faulty sensor, but contamination of the probe. It seems that there was a thin coating of oil on the temp probe, including a drip on the end, combined with a "slightly" loose plug at the sensor itself.  The oil is an interesting one, they had a look inside the airbox with a borescope but it's as clean as a whistle - so no idea where the oil has come from... suspect possibly a small amount blowing in from the turbo as a mist over time... the layer of oil would possibly have some effect on the accuracy of the sensor I guess.
    Anyway ALL sensors for the TCU and the main TCU plug were reseated and cleaned, and a test flight had a full 38.5" / 5800RPM during full noise, and a constant 34" for the rest of the test flight - only varied by +/- 0.1.  Pulling to idle and then back to full throttle during a touch and go was also perfect, back to full power on the go.  Also saw my airspeed back over 110 IAS for the first time in ages ... amazing what a little bit of extra power can do 😀

    Thank you said by: RotaxOwner Admin

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