I am rebuilding my Bing 64/32 Carburetors. The Rotax Maintenance Manual (Heavy) on this site https://www.rotax-owner.com/pdf/MMH_912_914_Ed2.pdf states that one should "Install throttle valve with 2 new slotted head screws M3x6 secured with LOCTITE 603, ensure that it is reinstalled in the same position as marked at removal."
Then its is stated in the Four Stroke Carburetor Maintenance Video on this site https://www.rotax-owner.com/en/videos-topmenu/elearning-videos/311-4carb-ins192 at Minute 2:42 "DO NOT USE LOCTITE"
Both of these statements cannot be correct. I find it hard to believe that a risk adverse company such as Rotax would not know of any issues with using Loctite 603 that they state should be used "Use only the specified or technically equivalent materials for all maintenance work."
I also find it just as hard to believe that intentionally different instructions would be posted in a video on this site, knowing that Rotax states otherwise.