I want to install a fuel computer to have a cockpit read on total fuel in the tanks and the fuel pressure. I bought a UMA differential pressure transducer, and when I was starting to look at my engine to start planning the installation I was surprised to see that there is already one installed. It's a Stemme, and engine access is only for contortionists! 😁
I bet that this is part of an old installation of a fuel computer that has been removed by a previous owner, and due to the difficult access, he preferred to leave the UMA sensor. If this is the case, it will simplify my work, because I just need to connect it to my fuel computer.
BUT, I got a bit puzzled, because the cable coming out of the UMA sensor doesn't go to the cockpit, as expected, but goes to a fuse box in the tail. And from there it's a mystery for me if the signal goes to an unknown place in the cockpit.
Before messing up with this installation, I want to be 100% sure that I am not messing up with the TCU.
Is it possible that this UMA sensor, is sending the signal to the TCU?
How does the TCU receive the fuel pressure in a normal installation? I have a fuel pressure warning light, so the TCU receives this information somehow...