



I want to install a fuel computer to have a cockpit read on total fuel in the tanks and the fuel pressure. I bought a UMA differential pressure transducer, and when I was starting to look at my engine to start planning the installation I was surprised to see that there is already one installed. It's a Stemme, and engine access is only for contortionists! 😁

I bet that this is part of an old installation of a fuel computer that has been removed by a previous owner, and due to the difficult access, he preferred to leave the UMA sensor. If this is the case, it will simplify my work, because I just need to connect it to my fuel computer.

BUT, I got a bit puzzled, because the cable coming out of the UMA sensor doesn't go to the cockpit, as expected, but goes to a fuse box in the tail. And from there it's a mystery for me if the signal goes to an unknown place in the cockpit.

Before messing up with this installation, I want to be 100% sure that I am not messing up with the TCU.

Is it possible that this UMA sensor, is sending the signal to the TCU?

How does the TCU receive the fuel pressure in a normal installation? I have a fuel pressure warning light, so the TCU receives this information somehow...

Thanks for any insights,
  • Re: How does the TCU reads the fuel pressure?

    by » Yesterday


    The TCU does not read fuel pressure.  Fuel pressure must always exceed airbox pressure (Rotax calls it manifold pressure to the sensor is on the airbox) The fuel pressure is a delta in relationship to the airbox pressure to prevent the airbox boost pressure from simply forcing all the fuel out of the float bowl.  UMA does make such a gauge that will connect to the fuel pressure regulator and to the airbox to read that pressure delta for fuel pressure.  I don't know what Stemme has, perhaps ask them or try to find online a wire and fuel system schematic.  

    The TCU actually reads the engine RPM, the throttle position, the ambient temperature, ambient pressure, The manifold pressure (with sensor on the airbox), manifold (airbox) temperature and finally the servo position for wastegate control. You can find all this in the maintenance manual heavy for the type 914. 


  • Re: How does the TCU reads the fuel pressure?

    by » Yesterday

    Hi Joaquim,

    In addition to R.W. confirming the TCU does not read fuel pressure, I offer the following.

    The “fuse box” you found is the E-Box as described in the Stemme S10-VT maintenance manual.

    The UMA fuel pressure sensor you found is wired to the “Fuel Pressure Module” within the E-Box which in turn is wired to your fuel pressure warning light on the instrument panel. The fuel pressure monitoring system and the “Ignition Retarding Module” share the same (3A) power circuit breaker.

    What you found is the original fuel pressure monitoring system installation from the Stemme factory, my suggestion is :- if it is functioning correctly, do not mess with it.

    A screen shot of the Stemme wiring diagram (MM page 3-41) showing the fuel pressure monitoring system is attached.

    I think if you want to display fuel pressure on your new computer, install the new transducer in a convenient position (with new, dedicated wiring) as we discussed previously and do not alter the existing fuel pressure monitoring installation.

    Cheers, Des.

    42239_2_IMG_2645.png (You do not have access to download this file.)

    Thank you said by: Rotax Wizard

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