

Hello all,

Looking for anyone that has provided Ram air to the Bing carbs and if so, did it work fine or otherwise?


  • Re: Ram air to Bing carbs

    by » Yesterday

    Hi Murray,

    At a guess, I would say that my carbs are receiving some RAM (pressure above ambient) air. How much? - no idea.

    Why do I think there may be RAM - my fresh air inlet is just inside the front cowl opening, to the outside of the prop spinner. I assume that this is a high air pressure location.

    The air inlet is an aluminium horn/tube connected to a, home designed/built, air box - supplying both carbs.

    The air does go through a K&N filter, which likly reduces RAM to some degree.

    The setup works just fine however if you want a comparative comment on how well it works (better/worse than some other design) - no idea . Sorry😈

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