

Hi Guys,

I have 912UL I need to change plugs in.
I got from a friend plugs model:NGK DCPR8E which are the plugs for the 912ULS.

Is it possible and recommended to install this plugs on my engine or better to have the correct model for the 912UL-NGK DCPR7E

What is the differences between those plugs?

  • Re: Spark plugs for 912UL

    by » 13 years ago


    The 8 indicates the heat range. The higher the number the colder the plug. Using the 8 plug would probably work short term, but could lead to faster plug fouling. Plugs that are too cold can foul quickly. Plugs that are too hot can cause even more serious engine damage. I believe I would stick to the recommended DCPR7E.


  • Re: Spark plugs for 912UL

    by » 13 years ago

    Hi Nir,

    I'm with Bill, stick with the original plug. DCPR7E

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

  • Re: Spark plugs for 912UL

    by » 11 months ago

    What do the nunbers after the 7e indicate.


  • Re: Spark plugs for 912UL

    by » 11 months ago

    Hello Garland

    NGK does not allow them to be used in aircraft applications.  Rotax was forced to switch to a proprietary plug, branded ROTAX, because NGK stopped supplying them for OEM aircraft use.  The same applied to the spark plug connectors.  That said many people are still buying the old plugs via the motorcycle suppliers.  if you are an experimental user then you could buy the motorcycle ones however you need to understand that there is no support via Rotax for such use.  

    To answer your question just go to any NGK web page and they can show you the breakdown of what the spark plug code is. 


    37126_2_ngk codes.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)

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