Temp/Pressure indicating suddenly high
The oil temperature would go up to 150 and then back down to 120 in a matter of seconds, and then stabilize for a while at 100.
I did a precautionary and checked the water and oil levels and all was fine, so I do not believe that the water actually boiled as no coolant was lost. I took off again and within a minute or so the temps were back up again, another precautionary, levels all fine, took off again and flew back to Empangeni, a 15 minute flight.
During the flight back to Empangeni I throttled way back to 4200 rpm and the temps would stay fine, and then all of a sudden would increase to 130+ on water and up to 160 on oil. On landing in Empangeni, again checked and all levels fine. At no time did the engine smell hot. My concern is that this was coming from 3 different probes, 2 x cylinder head, and 1 x oil temperature. Oil pressure at all times was OK 3.5 bar +
I have an oil thermostat installed, otherwise a stock standard 912S that has never previously displayed this king of "overhearing" problem.