Dr. RoTech 912/914 Diagnostic Tool
Have any of you have try this Dr. RoTech 912/914 Diagnostic Tool

Dr. RoTech eliminates time consuming diagnostic test procedures. Perform all required electrical tests for the Rotax 912/914 engine in a matter of seconds. No longer do you have to pull out your multimeter and fuss with connections and grounds to find out whether or not your Rotax 912 is in good health. Simply plug the Doctor into your ignition unit plugs and within seconds you’ll know which systems pass and which fail.
Dr. RoTech performs all the required measurements of BRP-Rotax 912/914 Heavy Maintenance Manual section 74 paragraph 3.12:Dr. Rotech
Generator coil (on stator)
Charging coil (on stator)
Trigger coils
Primary ignition coils
Secondary ignition coil
Spark plug connector
Ignition switch
Engine ground
What used to take you an hour now takes less than 1min with Dr. RoTech. Dr. RoTech is easy to use. Simply plug the unit into the 6pin plug on your Rotax ignition system. Turn on the doctor and wait for the green(pass) or red(fail) light for each of the components the unit is testing.