

I have a 912UL with 510 hours. The last 3 or 4 times I started my engine, the oil pressure showed 60 psi while cranking, but then dropped to zero when the engine started. Shut it down, re-started and pressure came back up and stays up. Runs great, pressure stays up. Any ideas what could cause this?


Murphy, NC
  • Re: 912UL oil pressure drops to 0 after start.

    by » 13 years ago

    Hi Jim,

    This could be due to couple of things:

    1) Electrical: Ensure that you have all your electrical wires connected properly. Sounds like a lose ground connections somewhere.
    2) Faulty oil pressure guage: Once again this is not a very expensive item and I would look into investing in a new one especially after 500 hours.. No harm to that.
    3) You could have air bubles in your system and you might want to purge your system to get rid of this.

    I have had a similar issue before and it was a lose ground connection.. I had to follow those wires very carefully couple of times until I found out where it was.

    Please try and let us know the results.



  • Re: 912UL oil pressure drops to 0 after start.

    by » 13 years ago

    Hi Jim,

    I'm with Andre. It sure sounds like a loose wire. Over the last 6 years with the SLSA aircraft in the US I have been seeing 75% with poor grounding on just about everything in the plane, but especially the gauges. Composite planes are worse than metal for poor grounds. Temps probes and pressure senders can be very sensitive to poor grounding and since it seems like it is just one gauge with you I would think loose or broken wire until proven otherwise. Once the wire issue is proven good then look towards the sender itself.

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

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