

A friend has problem with the 914 charging system.

Some hours ago he mentioned a lower than normal charging voltage and today the red light was burning.

I checked the regulator output on B+ and got only the battery voltage.

I checked the yellow to yellow wires of the generator and got 0,9 OHM. A little bit outside of the range from the manual that says 0,1 - 0.8 Ohm. It is not a calibrated OHM meter!!!

Yellow to Ground infinitive.

The AC voltage output is at idle low. 11 V instead of 18-20 V
At 2000 RPM the Voltage is 15 V
At 4000 RPM 30 V

The regulator ground to ground is OK.

Do you have an idea why the Generator AC output is so low at idle and 2000 RPM

Thanks in advance
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