

2009 100hp Rotax with 525 hours in a Savannah airplane. No previous trouble.
My engine has CHT probes on the front left cylinder and right rear cylinder.
The Left probe usually runs between 210-230F. The right probe runs between 240-260F.
On my last flight the left probe stayed in its normal range but the right probe gradually rose to 300F+ after about 15 minutes. The oil temp which usually runs around 210-230F also gradually rose to to near 290F. Low and high RPM mag checks are normal. Carb balance was rechecked and appears to be OK. The right rear spark plugs appear lighter in color than the other plugs. The engine runs smooth. CHT and oil temp probes wires appear to be undamaged and tightly connected. Reducing the power from 5200 to 4500 reduces the temps slightly. At idle the temps are near normal.

Thanks for your suggestions
  • Re: Rotax 912 cylinder running hot

    by » 12 years ago

    Hi Tony,
    I don't think it is just the probe because the oil temp and CHT are both affected.
    Do you have EGT's?
    Possibly a coolant issue. Either lack of(check the level), a kinked hose, a pump issue, radiator air flow blockage, flow through the radiator. These are just some things to check.
    The reason I am thinking coolant or air flow is because you said the mag drop and carb sync are normal.

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

    Thank you said by: Tony Garrett

  • Re: Rotax 912 cylinder running hot

    by » 12 years ago


    You might take a look at the carb for blockages internally in the right side carb. Blockage in the needle jet or float valve can cause a lean condition which will run the temps up. The engine can get enough fuel to operate properly at idle but not at higher RPMs.

    Carb balancing will balance manifold pressure but will not indicate whether fuel/air mixtures are correct.

    The right side high temps would cause the right side plugs to be a lighter color. I would guess that your EGT gauge is reading correctly since the plugs indicate a higher temp. Could be that a carb cleaning may cure your problem.


  • Re: Rotax 912 cylinder running hot

    by » 12 years ago

    Roger/Bill, thanks for the quick replies. Seems like a radiator/low coolant issue would affect all cylinders. Both oil and water radiators are clean and I don't see a kinked hose. Seems like cyl #3 might be the only cylinder getting hot - no cht's for cyl #1 or 4 but cyl #1 plugs are light black. I don't have EGT,s. Maybe an EGT gage/system for each cyl might by my first choice for troubleshooting. I would expect the EGT to identify a lean mixture in one cylinder. Do you recommend a favorite EGT gage/system for the rotax engine?

  • Re: Rotax 912 cylinder running hot

    by » 12 years ago

    I will clean the Carb tomorrow. I want to install an EGT system anyway. How do you like the Aerospace Logic, Inc 200 series? http://www.aerospacelogic.com/index.php?dispatch=products.view&product_id=93


  • Re: Rotax 912 cylinder running hot

    by » 12 years ago


    I'm not familiar with that particular system but it looks OK. Mine are Grand Rapids Technologies but there are many good ones out there. You don't really have to monitor all four cylinders although it certainly won't hurt. Since the carb is almost always the culprit in high EGTs, one probe on each side will do. If I remember right, cylinders nearest the prop always run very slightly leaner. (or is it richer?) Roger can probably answer that one. My EGT probes are on the cylinders nearest the carbs and they usually run within 50f. of each other.

    Hope the carb cleaning does it.


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