Rotax 912 cylinder running hot
My engine has CHT probes on the front left cylinder and right rear cylinder.
The Left probe usually runs between 210-230F. The right probe runs between 240-260F.
On my last flight the left probe stayed in its normal range but the right probe gradually rose to 300F+ after about 15 minutes. The oil temp which usually runs around 210-230F also gradually rose to to near 290F. Low and high RPM mag checks are normal. Carb balance was rechecked and appears to be OK. The right rear spark plugs appear lighter in color than the other plugs. The engine runs smooth. CHT and oil temp probes wires appear to be undamaged and tightly connected. Reducing the power from 5200 to 4500 reduces the temps slightly. At idle the temps are near normal.
Thanks for your suggestions