

On the underside of the front end of our Rotax 912UL there's a brass(?) fitting that goes downward from the fitting then curves upward later to route to where it connects to the upper end of our oil cooler.

See photos attached.

During some recent maintainance(we were installing a new muffler and headers and examined out oil and coolant lines) my partner noticed that if he gently pushed the downward running rubber oil line below the fitting from side to side the brass fitting seemed to flex a tiny bit. And I do mean "a little" ... like maybe 2 or 3 degrees side to side. Not talking about the rubber line flexing... that's expected of course.
Notice the black ring in the brass when you look down on the top of the brass fitting in the photo. Seems to be some sort of seal or washer that's part of the fitting itself.
My impression is that flex is taking place at that rubber.
Perhaps that rubber is intended to allow a bit of flex?

Questions of course are --
Is this normal? Is it cause to replace that fitting?

FYI: No signs of any leakage or seepage at that fitting or, for that matter, anywhere else in oil system.

oilfitting1.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)
oilfitting2.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)
  • Re: Should lower oil fitting flex a little ... or not?

    by » 10 years ago

    Hi Al,

    This isn't a normal Rotax fitting. It was added by someone after it left the factory or by whom ever built the plane. If it isn't leaking. Just make sure the nuts are secure, not much else you can do unless you want to replace the fitting. One thing I noticed in your pictures. It's highly advisable to put your oil hoses (and fuel hoses) in fire sleeve.

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

    Thank you said by: Al C

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