

I dissassmbled my carbs today and found the piston scored approx. 1/3 around the shaft at top
and down in the cavity showed signs of same wear. My question is the top where it slides into
appears to be okay. I'm replacing the pistons of course and was wondering about further service
of the top piece replace or run?


Mike Comeaux
  • Re: 912S Carb service

    by » 11 years ago

    Hi Mike,

    Most likely cause of the scoring is vibration. This should be addressed or it will happen again. (carb sync, old rubber engine mounts or gearbox needs service) If the carb body isn't scored then clean it up with a little carb cleaner and a scotchbrite pad. So long as nothing else was damaged then the rest of the carb should be okay. Do a complete rebuild because that vibration probably wore on the needle and seat and maybe other parts like the needle valve.

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

  • Re: 912S Carb service

    by » 11 years ago

    Thanks Roger I'm going to do prop check among other things. I looked closer to the "Lid Portion"
    and internally it looks good. Get em built and move forward....I like this web site a lot of help.

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