

How will it be?. to get the carburetor to adjust the fuel/air mixture in the right way.
I often fly at high altitude FL 100 +, So it is important to mixture works for me.

My engine 912UL does not have airbox, I have air filters sitting directly on the carburetor. Should the hose from the carburetor float chamber lie tight against the outside of the air filter or not? to get the mixture to be correct,
Some say that the hose should not lie against the air filter it shall hang down outside next to the float chamber. others say that it must be on the air filter.

What makes me confused is that, if you have airbox shall hose from the carburetor float chamber connected to the airbox. This should then provide a lower pressure in the hose than if it was not connected. It sounds right to put the hose on top of the air filter. But what is right.
  • Re: Float chamber hose

    by » 10 years ago

    On the Van's RV-12 ELSA (ROTAX 912 ULS), we also use a cone-shaped K&N air filter directly connected to the carb air inlet. In this installation, the carb vent tube is about 4 inches long and terminates along lower side of the carb bowl and held in place by being slightly pinched between the carb bowl bale wire and the lower side of the bowl.

    As I recall, the ROTAX installation manual explains why the proper positioning of this vent tube is important. Apparently, the vent needs to sense the same air pressure/density as the general incoming carb air.

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