WHICH Evans coolant to use?
Unlike our older 912UL this one had Evans coolant put in it a couple of years ago.
I know that Rotax isn't pushing Evans as hard as it once was, and that the other coolants are fine, but since it's in there already figure I'd keep it.
But want to have a little extra around in case I ever need to top it up.
(I know adding more than a tiny trace of water to Evans is a general no-no,
and AFAIK shouldn't add other coolants to it.)
Looks like minimal quantity I can buy is half gallon, even though I don't expect to likely need more than a cupful, if that, ever.
So went shopping for lowest cost source.
Found quite a price range for half a gallon..... approx $45 down to about $17.
Found inexpensive source on Amazon.
BUT I note that Evans makes three different formulations:
"1.Vintage Cool 180° is specially formulated for increased yellow metals and the more porous cast metal parts found in Vintage engines.
2.Classic Cool 180° is specially formulated for engines with more cast steel and iron, with reduced levels of copper and the introduction of aluminum products.
3.Power Cool 180° is specially formulated for high performance engines."
Not sure if they can mix and match.
Anyone know if the one for sale at Amazon is appropriate?
"Evans 1012PF Waterless Powersports Coolant"
All replies appreciated.