

Is measuring friction torque part of the 25 hour maintenance schedule on a 912ULS? I know it is done at 100 hours, 200, etc. MY understanding is that at the 25 hour maintenance you perform all the stuff outlined for the 100 hour inspection.

  • Re: Is Measuring Friction Torque part of 25 hour Insp?

    by » 10 years ago

    I found my own answer. YES. See line maintenance manual section 5-20-00 page 4.
    Edition 3 rev0

  • Re: Is Measuring Friction Torque part of 25 hour Insp?

    by » 10 years ago

    When I do the 25 hr. required warranty inspection I use the Line Maint. manual checklist. This way I miss nothing. I sign each item off as I do it (make side notes in the margins) and keep this checklist permanently as part of my legal documentation that it was performed. Of course it is also entered in the logbook specifically as the 25 hr. warranty inspection. This way if a need arises about the warranty it will be well documented. If you have a claim during warranty or even down the road you will be ask for a copy of the logbook to see how the engine was maintained.

    I still see too many that do not do this required inspection and or fail to register your engine. No longer than it takes to do both these two simple task you may run into issues if you have a warranty claim and have failed to do these. Remember this inspection has nothing to do with the FAA inspection requirements, but has everything to do with you and Rotax and being covered for a warranty issue.

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

  • Re: Is Measuring Friction Torque part of 25 hour Insp?

    by » 10 years ago

    Thank You Roger! A group ownership of a new RV-12 is/was taking a rather cavalier attitude to the 25 hour "oil change" service. Seems the mindset with them is "close enough". Good news is that I've caught the ear of one of them......

  • Re: Is Measuring Friction Torque part of 25 hour Insp?

    by » 10 years ago

    Use a big stick on the others to get their attention. :P

    Yes do it.
    I would do it for a baseline then you'll have something to compare as you go along. If it is let's say 485 in/lbs now at 25 hrs. and at the 100 hr/annual condition it's 385 in/lbs then you'll have something to compare and know that something has changed. If the second one is 480 in/lbs you'll know all is good.

    I'm retired fire department and spent many years as a paramedic. We always had a saying that if you have to try and decide if you need to do the next best thing then just do it and don't split hairs. If you are thinking about it there must be a reason it's nagging at you. You get tagged for doing less, but rarely ever for going the extra mile. That saying paid off in human lives and in court over and over.

    "Seems the mindset with them is "close enough".

    Always do your best then when you go to sleep at nights there is no second guessing, worrying or guilt.

    Strive to be at the top 10% of any group in all your endeavours and don't strive or settle to be at the bottom 10%.

    Good luck and enjoy your new RV-12.

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

  • Re: Is Measuring Friction Torque part of 25 hour Insp?

    by » 10 years ago

    I'm NOT one of the group. I'm VERY happy with my RANS Coyote 2 that I built powered by a 912ULS. 15 months flying it and Hobbs says 187 hours.
    "Oh yeah!"

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