

  • Re: Regulator

    by » 9 years ago

    I own two rv12 , one has 190 hrs the other 120 hrs never had any problems , both are installed on the engine fire wall in the engine side with a fresh air supply to keep them cool .
    I fly from North Carolina to Florida in 90 to 95 deg and never had issues so far .

  • Re: Regulator

    by » 9 years ago

    Yes Roger, I believe it is a much bigger issue than Rotax wants to admit. Quality variation must be an issue because I know of folks who have had very quick failures and then several years of no problems without changing anything with respect to mounting, grounding, air flow, etc.

    In my opinion, it is the single most pressing issue that Rotax should deal with, outweighing any new engine features or models.

  • Re: Regulator

    by » 9 years ago

    The failure reports in the above link to vansairforce were based on the examination of ten failed regulators, five of each version. The older version regulators (365-347) fail from internal design and quality issues that may result in the inability to adequately transfer heat to the case. The current version regulators (365-349) had no heat related failure issues, all failures appear to be caused by vibration.
    My conclusions are based on the observations of these ten failures. Discounting these failures as an anomaly and reassigning blame is counterproductive to improving the product and a disservice to 912 owners.

  • Re: Regulator

    by » 9 years ago

    Also see thread "Ducati Voltage Regulator" in the General Discussion area.

  • Re: Regulator

    by » 9 years ago

    Hey Mike, I don't think anyone is trying to reassign blame; both Roger and I are just telling you what we see in the field: it does seem to follow particular aircraft in my experience and Roger says the same thing. Your experience is different, lets report it to Rotax so it can be acted upon. You can do this via a CSIR (Note: making a statement on this forum is not the same as a CSIR. This forum is for owners, by owners and does not report to Rotax).

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