

I have a new 912uls that I ran long enough to balance the carbs a few day back but never opened the throttle wide open. Tomorrow I want to see what rpm I will get at wide open throttle. The prop is a 66" Warp Drive three blade tapered tip. Can anyone give me ball park idea a what rps I should be seeing? I have the pitch set at 16 degrees this was what Warp Drive suggested as a starting point.
Thanks, Bill
  • Re: Static RPM

    by » 9 years ago

    Static RPM WOT on my rv12 is between 5000 to 5200rpm depending of the surface winds !
    At cruise altitude WOT AROUND 5600 rpm and I cruise all day between 5100 to 5400 rpm burning 4,5 to 5 gal hr

  • Re: Static RPM

    by » 9 years ago

    Different props will yield different static rpms to achieve a specific WOT rpm in flight. With the Warp I would look to get around 4800-4900 WOT on the ground. That will only get you in the ballpark for setting it up for a final adjustment after you go fly it. Shoot for around 5600-5650 WOT in flat and level flight at your average altitude. That should give you a fairly well balanced performance platform for cruise, climb and fuel economy.

    I'm very surprised that 5100-5200 WOT static rpm doesn't put you up to or over 5800 rpm in flat and level WOT flight.

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

    Thank you said by: William Holloway

  • Re: Static RPM

    by » 2 years ago

    I know. I'm late to the game responding to 7-year old posts. But, I have a new plane, with an engine/prop I don't yet understand, so I'm reading all the old posts. 

    I have the same exact experience on my 912ULS and Warp 3-blade (72") as Andre. I get 5200RPM static but only 5600WOT (at low altitude), a very narrow range. I just did a prop balance (almost in balance already). The most interesting comment he made was that he was seeing almost 2400 prop rpm (while I was seeing 5200 on the Rotax tach). At 2.43 reduction, that seems to imply that my tach is reading 600 rpm low! (2400 * 2.43 = 5832). Is my math correct? I had just adjusted the prop for more RPM, thinking I was low, but now I am nervously unsure.

    I run at 5000, rather than 5100-5300, because 5000 is much smoother. I'm trying to read all the old vibration posts to figure out where to diagnose that. All RPM ranges up to 5100 are smooth. WOT 5600 is OK, but not great. I'm not experienced enough to know if it is out of the ordinary vibration, I just don't like the nature of it. It's not "smooth" vibration, it's "sporadic" vibration, if that makes any sense.

    I have the Rotax initial service training scheduled at Lockwood. Hope to learn a lot.

  • Re: Static RPM

    by » 2 years ago


    Is this a new aircraft and engine? How many hours are on the engine?

    It could be something within your gearbox that is causing this vibration at high RPM. 

  • Re: Static RPM

    by » 2 years ago

    Because its intermittent, could also be the wheels rotating, at slightly different angle of attack.

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