

It is mandatory to accomplish the SI 912-027??.

can I use the NEW spark plug connector P/N: 265249 with old spark plug P/N:897255
  • Re: SI-912-027

    by » 5 years ago

    The bulletin is fairly clear on both of those points:

    "NOTE: It is not mandatory to retrofit engines which are currently equipped with old spark plug types and old spark plug connector types."

    "NOTE: In case of interchange/repair/maintenance it is not allowed to exchange individual parts. Mixing of spark plug types and spark plug connector types
    is not allowed.
    All spark plugs and spark plug connectors must be of the
    same part number for the entire engine."

    And the complete official explanation is this:

    It is allowed to use 8 old spark plugs with 8 old caps (boot, spark plug connector).

    It is allowed to use 8 new spark plugs with 8 new caps.

    It is allowed to use 8 old spark plugs with 8 new caps.

    It is allowed to use 8 new spark plugs with 8 old caps.

    It is not allowed to use 1 old spark plug with 7 new spark plugs (and all other combinations of mixture old and new spark plugs).

    It is not allowed to use 1 old cap with 7 new caps (and all other combinations of mixture old and new caps).

  • Re: SI-912-027

    by » 5 years ago

    we have the following 912S3 engines

    And this case all engines comes with new spark plug types and new spark plug connector, but we change it and use this configuration "8 old spark plugs with 8 new caps", this action doesn't affect the warranty because is allowed as you tell me before.

    but the service center tell us, that we have to maintain for warranty the new connectors and new spark,
    i am going to use this information to talk with them, thanks

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