

  • Re: Decoding

    by » 5 years ago

    Well, it is possible that the Lycon loaner dongle went "AWOL" and they have not yet been able to retrieve it from whoever had been given it last.

    But in any event, if you need to calibrate your 914 throttle, there is absolutely no reason that a 966675 cannot be provided to your local iRMT in short order (one way or another!) .

    As I mentioned, there is one in stock at Rotech Motor in Canada that could be FedEx'ed to Lycon 'overnight', if due to some unusual circumstance the ROTAX factory is actually out of stock... but I suspect that a 966675 could also be obtained through the extensive network of ROTAX distributors in your hemisphere. (If not in Scandinavia, probably in Southern or Eastern Europe...)

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