

I have experienced a power loss in my 914, in the acceleration process it start to “cough”, I have checked, and quickly found the problem, the fuel press regulator.
Nevertheless, I have checked all the fuel lines, carbs, fuel filters, fuel pumps, fuel quality, sensors, wires, ignitions boxes, spark plugs … and so on.
I have bought a brand new fuel press regulator.
Now, the new problem, the acceleration process is ok, from the bottom to the top, it gives me all the power like before, but it strongly start to “cough” all way down, when I reduce power, and the fuel press cames down almost near zero.
I had put again the old fuel press regulator, and the initial problem arises, I put the new one, and appear the second problem. It seems to me, the new fuel press regulator is in bad condition too, but I would like know yours clarified opinion.
Or the brand new fuel press regulator is ok, and the “bug” is located in other place?

Roger Evan
  • Re: Stranger power loss in the 914

    by » 14 years ago

    Hi ,so is it finally your fuel press. reg malfonctioning ....

    how a bout your diff. fuel press ,have you notice a lower or higher reading when the engine is caughing


    Thank you said by: Airsor Airsor

  • Re: Stranger power loss in the 914

    by » 14 years ago

    It's possible to have a new and bad fuel pressure reg., but have you checked the pressure and flow out of the pump. If it is off a little the reg will have a hard time controlling a low pressure or flow. The carbs need to be considered too. Sync them and check the bowls for proper level and function.

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

    Thank you said by: Airsor Airsor

  • Re: Stranger power loss in the 914

    by » 13 years ago

    Had the same trouble with my 914, drove me nuts, finally traced it down to leaky fuel bowls.
    Previous owner had overtightend the bolts and warped the bowls. I fixed it with loctite.
    I also replaced the pressure reg. The bolts only need to be just tight.
    Hope this helps

    Thank you said by: Airsor Airsor

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