I have an 2016 RV12 with the Rotax 912ULS, purchased used at 150 hours, and now have 600 hours. All along, the fuel pressure has seemed a little erratic with a very rare drop in fuel pressure below 3.0, and normal pressure is 4.0 to 5.5.
After a recent 100 hour inspection which had the carb floats weighed and the gascolator cleaned out, we now have a consistent low 2.2 psi fuel pressure reading on climb out (with constant low fuel pressure alters) until the power is reduced from full throttle, then the pressure runs fairly constant at 3.5 psi until you start slowing down to land, then the pressure jumps up to 4.5 to 5.5.
We have not put a manual gauge on the fuel line to measure the actual pressure because we can not duplicate the problem on the ground with a full power runup.
Any ideas why we hover at 2.2 psi on takeoff?