

Hi all,

Just looking for a sanity check here. I have a 912 ULS in a CH-701, there are finger screens in the tanks, I have 1/2 Aluminum fuel lines with AN fittings that join and go to a homebuilders gascolator with 122 micron screen (a little larger than Rotax specified 70 to 100 micron. After the gascolator I continued with the 1/2 inch aluminum lines until I got to the factory supplied Red Parker hose where one has to step down to AN-6 fittings.  I purchased an aluminum inline filter (AN 6 fittings) with a 30 micron brass element I planned to install prior to the fuel pump (one end of the Parker line or the other). From previous posts it appears that putting an inline filter before the fuel pump is the default, even though after would be a better option for any pumping system in general as suction lines are the place 90% of your pumping issues will occur. My question is:  Is the 30 Micron filter in this location too small, even though it was likely designed for a V8 automotive engine.


  • Re: Inline Fuel Filter

    by » 4 years ago

    The Rotax installation manual states the following:

    A fine filter with mesh size 0.1 mm (70–100µ) has to be installed. The filter has to be accessible for service. A combination of filter/water trap (gascolator) is recommended.

    Yes, 40 micron is too small as its states the minimum size of micron filter should be 70-100 microns OR 0.1mm 

    Replacing the 122-micron screen with one that is within spec is much better and makes more sense than installing ANOTHER filter and having another connection/leak point within your fuel system!

    Here is a link to the proper size that should work with your gascolator https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/pnpages/10543-1.php


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