

Was out for a flight today and noticed on takeoff my MAP was at 29” on my 914 at 5800rpm. As I climbed out and reduced power the manifold pressure didn’t move. Even when back at idle, the MAP reads what I’m assuming in atmospheric pressure. The turbo seems to be operating normally. Where do I start to troubleshoot this? Is it as simple as a bad sensor?

Forgot to mention it’s a Dynon 180 only to monitor the MAP. 

  • Re: 914 MAP

    by » 3 years ago

    Did you pull your TCU logs to see if there were any faults?

  • Re: 914 MAP

    by » 3 years ago

    I’m not suspecting the turbo because wouldn’t the MP still decrease with a decrease in power? Also, no TCU warning lights and I verified the waste gate is moving with the throttle.

    I’ve never looked at the data before. I have a USB cable that comes from my engine, am I assuming that’s what I need to hook up to get the TCU logs?

  • Re: 914 MAP

    by » 3 years ago

    You first have to check the version of your TCU so you can get the right software. If it is version 4.6 you use a standard USB to serial adapter. I recommend the BUDS 4.0 software over the old TLR software but both are available to download on flyrotax.com.  

    The TCU controls the wastegate to maintain optimal airbox pressure based on throttle position and ambient pressure. So you might not see a change in manifold pressure as expected if there is a malfunction or if the servo cable is loose or too tight. 

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