912 UL Spark Plug concern
I would appreciate any advise on my current issue with my 2007 Rotax 912UL 80hp engine. I changed my spark plugs during my recent compliance inspection. The old plugs other than #3 cyl. were sooty/black. #3 cyl plug was much cleaner and appears to be running lean.
I installed new plugs and removed the top new ones after about 4 hour use. The spark plugs in Cylinders 1,2 & 4 were black/sooty but after cleaning them the insulator was a light chocolate color. Cylinder #3 was a bit sooty but the insulator was white before cleaning it. Could #3 Cyl. be running lean? I checked the Rt. Carb. floats to cyl. 1 & 3 and they weighed ~ 3 gram each. I also checked the left carb. floats (cylinders 2&4) and they were ~6 gram each, well over the <7g total allowed.
So new floats will be installed on both carbs but I still don't have a fix for the #3 cylinder running a bit lean. Only thing I can come up with is an air leak in the #3 cyl. intake manifold to head O-ring causing #3 to run lean.
Any help will be very much appreciated. As a side note all cylinder compression's were 79/80.