

Dear Rotax Pro's

Was informed on Instagram of @flyrotax that now also the Rotax 912 S3 (certified) is no longer maintained according to engine operating time but by flight time.

Unfortunately I do not find this in my documents.

Can someone help me where this should be noted? and when it was modified? Until now, we had to do maintenance on the 912 according to engine running time. With the new engines (915IS, 916IS) Rotax changed to flight time.

Would be great if Rotax would change to flight time on the 912, as with the current situation we only have approx. 1600h Flight time to be on Engine TBO (flying under EASA in Switzerland in a Flight school with CAMO).

Thanks for your help.
Best regards

  • Re: 912S3 engine time vs flight time service intervals and TBO

    by » 2 years ago

    See the 912 Line Maintenance Manual, Chapter 05-10-00, Page 2. Operating Hours.
    The same page in the 915i manual is worded differently.

    Bill Hertzel
    Rotax 912is
    North Ridgeville, OH, USA
    Clicking the "Thank You" is Always Appreciated by Everyone.

    Thank you said by: Pascal Ganz

  • Re: 912S3 engine time vs flight time service intervals and TBO

    by » 2 years ago

    Thanks Bill. Thats the same what i have in my manual. Wondering, where this information is coming from?! => its from the official ROTAX instagram account.

  • Re: 912S3 engine time vs flight time service intervals and TBO

    by » 2 years ago

    Hello Pascal,

    I just got the news today that apparently BAZL has accepted to switch to flight hours instead of operating hours for the TBO of the Rotax 912S (I know it from the Flying School fleet which is using three CS-LSA certified aircrafts).

    I was wondering as well where is this change coming from as I have not found any new Rotax Maintenance Manual or Operating Manual for the 912 which states this.

  • Re: 912S3 engine time vs flight time service intervals and TBO

    by » 2 years ago

    Hi All

    Please do not confuse the new 912 MML wording and the 915 MML wording.  The 915 has a completely different gearbox.  Currently with that change they will allow flight time to be used.  The latest MML for the 912, using the standard version gearbox does not.  

    Attached is the wording from May 2023 on the 912 engines.



    37055_2_912 engines operation hours.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)

  • Re: 912S3 engine time vs flight time service intervals and TBO

    by » 2 years ago

    Hoi Michele

    That is correct. The FOCA must also accept flight hours since about 2 years. This for the reason that the AMP are no longer approved, but only confirmed.

    Something within EASA has changed (don't know if it was EASA Part M-Light or something like that, I'm not in it enough). 

    It is important to know that you as the owner are still liable. According to statements from the FOCA, this was also the case before.

    Since most ROTAX aircraft in Europe are maintained with flying hours, this would probably also be taken into account in the event of a liability issue.

    The FOCA in Switzerland was from 2017 on simply very precise in the legal interpretation of the ROTAX manuals. 

    For me, it is special that the 915s and 916s are ultimately also based on the 912.

    And according to a verbal statement of ROTAX Austria even the own 912s would be maintained after flight time, because all do it and it is also correct. Only the engineers apparently do not want to rewrite the book of the 912. Therefore only the 915/916 had been adapted.

    I personally would be happy, resp. I expect Rotax to make a step in the right direction here.

    Maintenance and TBO after engine running time is just ridiculous.

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