Reduced 912 ULS Performance??
Yesterday I noticed that my Rotax 912 ULS is performing differently than previous flights. Namely, it took slightly longer to start (i.e., two or three more blades and slower to get to idle speed) and the rpm on climb out was reduced 75 - 100 rpm less than before. This is shown in the attachments.
I have not made any changes to the airframe, engine or propeller. The engine is using a 50 / 50 mix of 90 octane ethanol free automotive gas and 100 LL. Removing the top cowling didn't reveal any issues and the carbs are hitting their stops with the throttle full in.
I'm not seeing anything in the data or visual inspection that leads me to an issue.
Thoughts? Is this a concern? If so, any suggestions on how to proceed on investigating this issue?