


I am getting really confused with regard to Rotax engine serial numbers.   I have a 914 F3 SN 4420313.  A recent Mandatory SB-914-059 refers to applicablity for 914 F's SN 10000878 to 10000887.

The SN system seems to have changed so does this SB apply to my engine or not?    I think not, but need to be sure.


  • Re: Rotax engune Serial Numbers

    by » 2 years ago

    Hi Angus....you are saying it only applies to 2 serials, 10000878 and 10000887.  On the face of it it appears they do not apply.  You however need to check the prop shaft serial found on the prop flange.  (Perhaps it was changed?)  The list is included in the bulletin. 



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