

I have a new 912is in a Sling NGT.  I plan I run Mogas the majority of the time, but there are times that I have to run 100LL or top off a tank of Mogas with 100LL.  Does anyone have feedback on how much 100LL I could run without impacting the oil change interval?   I change oil at 25hrs with straight 100LL or 50hrs with Mogas.  Should that time interval shift proportionally to the amount of 100LL or could I run a blend up to x% of the time and still keep my oil changes at 50hours? 



  • Re: Blended 100LL/Unleaded Fuel & Oil Change Interval

    by » 11 months ago

    The answers for this are found in the maintenance manual line.  Mogas, 100 hour oil change.  Avgas 50 hours.  The total exposer to lead between oil changes is up to 30%, more than that then you have to treat it like 100% Avgas.  Put another way, fill up 10 times, 7 times Mogas and 3 Avgas then it is the same as all Avgas.  If you just splash and go a few times no problem, run the oil change up to 100 hours.  

    There is no 25 hour requirement, except initial evaluation,  however many recommend that you lower the oil change times if you are doing flight training where you have a lot of touch and go flights.  That requirement was removed a long time ago from Rotax.


    39237_2_oil change requirement.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)
    39237_2_oil filter 30 avgas.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)

    Thank you said by: Seth Novak

  • Re: Blended 100LL/Unleaded Fuel & Oil Change Interval

    by » 11 months ago


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