

HI All,

   some help please.

I have a Composite (Sting S4) with 912is Sport over 900 mostly trouble free hours.

I am planning a few more flights "Oceanic" in the Pacific and as such need HF radio. I have joined the Ham club and modified a Yeasu FT-891 for the Aircraft with a "trailing wire" antenna. This works very well on the ground.....

However in the Air there is severe RFI interference, I have tracked two sources of this (Garmin G3X and Prop controller) I can turn these off to do the HF radio calls.

But there is still some RFI coming from the engine into the antenna. When I turn off everything the RFI continues until the Prop stops turning, then it goes away.

Naturally I do not like the ides of turning my plane into a glider each time I need to do a radio call. I was trying to think of what still runs with everything off, the only thing I could think of was Stator/Regulator etc so as a test I disconnected these but still the RFI is there so long as the engine turns

I am open to suggestions !!




  • Re: RFI problem with IS engine

    by » 4 months ago

    Hi Glenn

    I don't know how to solve the problem but can confirm that the stator will be generating power as long as the crank turns.  All the power if not used simply gets dumped into the ground plate under the regulators.  Perhaps a call to Sling?  They have crossed the big pond a number of times and perhaps some of them have a solution. 


    Thank you said by: Glenn Martin

  • Re: RFI problem with IS engine

    by » 4 months ago

    You might also try making a post on the AeroElectric-List forum and asking for advice from its resident electronics expert, Bob Nuckolls.  He has considerable experience with avionics integration and chasing down noise/interference issues in aircraft.

    Thank you said by: Glenn Martin

  • Re: RFI problem with IS engine

    by » 5 weeks ago

    Hi Guys,

       an update. The issue was mainly solved in two ways.

    Firstly the Alternator/Stator wires were sleeved as the ULS ones are and ferrites put on them.

    Secondly I added 15m of coax to the trailing wire such that the antenna started 10m behind the aircraft and away from the "noise".


    Thanks again





    Thank you said by: RotaxOwner Admin

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