

I have a 912IS installed in a RV12IS with the Garmin G3X touch. Getting ready for my first Condition inspection, I followed Van's video on how to pull up error codes. I will attach a picture of what I saw.  I do not have the Dongle.

What are all of these messages referencing CAN 1 and CAN 2, and where can I find out what that meansw

10786_1_IMG_6418.JPG (You do not have access to download this file.)
  • Re: Pulling up error codes on 912IS via the G3X

    by » one hour ago

    Hi Mike

    The Garman and the Dynon both use the instrument CanBus feed for them, not the maintenance feed CanBus.  As such this is not the codes you get from the BUDS system via a Dongle.  You need to have it connected to the maintenance port and use a dongle with the BUDS software.  There is information on how to connect and download the BUDS error/fault codes in the respective heavy maintenance manual.  

    To learn how the system works and do diagnostics requires specialized training.  


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